1. First lie: Conflict is between the truth and the post-truth (that's
the word that the holders of the truth, for some reason, use for what
they call lies).
Reality: the Conflict is between an "official truth" (brought by the shapers and
providers of the "official truth", mainly corporate media and the state)
and an "alternative truth". This doen't necessarily mean that one is the truth and the other is a lie. We see every day how mainstry tell part of the truth, the part that supports their agenda (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany#Criticism_of_late_media_reporting).
2. Second lie: Corporate media never tell lies.
(I later developed this point in http://thalassiana.blogspot.com/2017/05/pre-truth.html)
Although the ways the corporate media manipulate viewers are usually
more complex than using straight lies, being more common hiding the
information that they don't want viewers to know, corporate media also lie.
2.1 Clear examples are how the American corporate media went along with
the Bush administration's lies connecting Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda,
and Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction.
2.2 Another example was how the Western media justified the Kosovo war
2.3 A great recent example is the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
As Wikipedia says, it "is frequently quoted by major Western news media,
such as Voice of America, Reuters, BBC, CNN and National Public Radio."
Also from Wikipedia is the description of this organization: "The
organisation is run by one man, Rami Abdulrahman (sometimes referred to
as Rami Abdul Rahman), from his home in Coventry. He is a Syrian Sunni
Muslim who owns a clothes shop."
So major Western media are quoting a guy from Coventry, as if he was
some international organization working in Syria.
2.4 A local example from Catalonia, is how the public Catalan radio
invited several times the director for Europe of the Soros' foundation,
Open Society Foundations, without mentioning Soros' involvement in
Ukraine, to speak about the Ukrainian conflict as an independent observer.
3. Third lie: Corporate media are accountable for the information they give.
In the famous documentary "Manufacturing Consent", Noam Chomsky makes a
case against The New York Times about the bias when documenting crimes
done by American allies and American enemies, and he uses as example the
cases of East Timor and Cambodia (http://spichtinger.net/Uni/et-case.htm).
The New York Times justified the obvious bias, arguing they just can not be
everywhere. Did they even apologize? No. The thing is that we can see a similar case nowadays, with
the wars in Syria and Yemen, and how the western media avoid the
conflict in Yemen, where Arabia Saudi is bombing the rebels.
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