Unfortunately, I don't have time to study recent events with so much depth as I would like. So I can only read some pieces about some of these events that I find really interesting. In this category are the two recent attacks linked directly or indirectly by the world establishment to Russia.
I already wrote a small piece that could summarize my thoughts regarding both events with the self-explaining title of "Cui bono (To whose benefit?)".
But I wanted to share something that I discovered yesterday with you, and that links the Skripal case with something that happened in Spain almost four decades ago.
I was reading yesterday about the Russian claims that a swiss lab had found in the substance used in the attack to the Skripals a compound called BZ [https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-14/independent-swiss-lab-says-bz-toxin-used-skripal-poisoning-usuk-produced-not].
"BZ is odorless and nonirritating with delayed symptoms several hours after contact" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3-Quinuclidinyl_benzilate] which fits with the fact that the Skripals didn't feel ill right after the attack.
But what I found more interesting was that "Novichok agents may cause lasting nerve damage, resulting in permanent disablement of victims. Their effect on humans was demonstrated by the accidental exposure of Andrei Zheleznyakov, one of the scientists involved in their development, to the residue of an unspecified Novichok agent while working in a Moscow laboratory in May 1987. He was critically injured and took ten days to recover consciousness after the incident. He lost the ability to walk and was treated at a secret clinic in Leningrad for three months afterwards. The agent caused permanent harm, with effects that included "chronic weakness in his arms, a toxic hepatitis that gave rise to cirrhosis of the liver, epilepsy, spells of severe depression, and an inability to read or concentrate that left him totally disabled and unable to work." He never recovered and died in July 1992 after five years of deteriorating health." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novichok_agent#Effects]
So luckily for the Skripals it seems that they don't suffer any lasting damage.
Let's keep in mind that Novichok is an organophosphate compound.
Now let's travel back in time to May 1980, that was the begining of an epidemy that was going to cause around 20000 victims and 1000 deaths in Spain. It is known as the "Toxic Oil Syndrome (Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico)", because the official explanation was that the cause of this epidemy was an intoxication caused by industrial rapeseed oil that had been sold for human use. It is a very long story that has lasted until not so long ago, but I will try to recall the relevant points to our case. It was then suggested that the anilides in the oil had been the origin of the intoxication, despite the fact that it was never fully explained what the mechanism had been. You can read more at the Wikipedia entry. The symptoms suffered by the victims did not fit with those of anilides and still now the symptomatology has not been explained. The official version was supported by the Spanish Government, the WHO, and the American CDC.
Obviously, there was an "alternative theory" that involved tomatos that had been unproperly treated with a chemical pesticide. This chemical pesticide was allegedly identified as an organophosphate compound. Yes, the same kind of compound as the Novichok active matter. Now comes the interesting point: the symptoms suffered by the "toxic oil syndrome" victims resembled suspiciously those described above for Novichok. This doesn't mean they were attacked with any nerve agent, but supports the idea that they could have been poisoned by an organophosphate compound.
Here comes the scary thought: the victims of the "toxic oil syndrome", who according the official version had been poisoned by anilides, showed more similar symptoms of an organophosphate compound poisoning than the Skripals, who according the official version have been poisoned by an organophosphate compound.
I already wrote a small piece that could summarize my thoughts regarding both events with the self-explaining title of "Cui bono (To whose benefit?)".
But I wanted to share something that I discovered yesterday with you, and that links the Skripal case with something that happened in Spain almost four decades ago.
I was reading yesterday about the Russian claims that a swiss lab had found in the substance used in the attack to the Skripals a compound called BZ [https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-14/independent-swiss-lab-says-bz-toxin-used-skripal-poisoning-usuk-produced-not].
"BZ is odorless and nonirritating with delayed symptoms several hours after contact" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3-Quinuclidinyl_benzilate] which fits with the fact that the Skripals didn't feel ill right after the attack.
But what I found more interesting was that "Novichok agents may cause lasting nerve damage, resulting in permanent disablement of victims. Their effect on humans was demonstrated by the accidental exposure of Andrei Zheleznyakov, one of the scientists involved in their development, to the residue of an unspecified Novichok agent while working in a Moscow laboratory in May 1987. He was critically injured and took ten days to recover consciousness after the incident. He lost the ability to walk and was treated at a secret clinic in Leningrad for three months afterwards. The agent caused permanent harm, with effects that included "chronic weakness in his arms, a toxic hepatitis that gave rise to cirrhosis of the liver, epilepsy, spells of severe depression, and an inability to read or concentrate that left him totally disabled and unable to work." He never recovered and died in July 1992 after five years of deteriorating health." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novichok_agent#Effects]
So luckily for the Skripals it seems that they don't suffer any lasting damage.
Let's keep in mind that Novichok is an organophosphate compound.
Now let's travel back in time to May 1980, that was the begining of an epidemy that was going to cause around 20000 victims and 1000 deaths in Spain. It is known as the "Toxic Oil Syndrome (Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico)", because the official explanation was that the cause of this epidemy was an intoxication caused by industrial rapeseed oil that had been sold for human use. It is a very long story that has lasted until not so long ago, but I will try to recall the relevant points to our case. It was then suggested that the anilides in the oil had been the origin of the intoxication, despite the fact that it was never fully explained what the mechanism had been. You can read more at the Wikipedia entry. The symptoms suffered by the victims did not fit with those of anilides and still now the symptomatology has not been explained. The official version was supported by the Spanish Government, the WHO, and the American CDC.
Obviously, there was an "alternative theory" that involved tomatos that had been unproperly treated with a chemical pesticide. This chemical pesticide was allegedly identified as an organophosphate compound. Yes, the same kind of compound as the Novichok active matter. Now comes the interesting point: the symptoms suffered by the "toxic oil syndrome" victims resembled suspiciously those described above for Novichok. This doesn't mean they were attacked with any nerve agent, but supports the idea that they could have been poisoned by an organophosphate compound.
Here comes the scary thought: the victims of the "toxic oil syndrome", who according the official version had been poisoned by anilides, showed more similar symptoms of an organophosphate compound poisoning than the Skripals, who according the official version have been poisoned by an organophosphate compound.
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