Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Is there a "New World Order" Conspiracy?

Is there a "New World Order" Conspiracy?

The answer to this question depends of what you understand by "conspiracy". I'd rather let each reader decide this. But there are some undeniable facts: the elites use a web of organizations, institutions, lobbies, etc. to shape our World in the shape they want. And there are some names (some of them you will find them here), that appear again and again in this organizations (the most obvious example is Rockefeller).

"The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist."

For many decades, the Bilderberg Group did not exist. Only conspiracy theorists believed in it.

Then, in the age of internet, it was impossible to hide any longer the existence of an annual meeting of high profile personalities from the public. So the Bilderberg Group became real, and what was "secret" became "private" [BBC].

The Bilderberg Group.

The Bilderberg Group, according to Wikipedia, is "an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, established in 1954."

And here comes the key question: do you believe that Bildeberg is a meeting of high-profile personalities to discuss the future of the western world -our future-, or just a meeting of colleagues, high-profile though, to have a friendly chat?

You have probably read in the media that there's nothing mysterious in a bunch of influential people meeting to discuss their view of the world's issues. But such naïve approach can only come from payrolled journalists or from 3 year old children. Can anybody believe that the most powerful and influential people would meet, previously in absolute secrecy, now "only" in secrecy about the matters they discuss, and they do not talk about what they want for the World and how to get it?

"...bolster a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe" according to Andrew Kakabadse. [BBC] In 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and a steering committee member for 30 years, said, "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing." [The Guardian]

Even if you think that this is legitimate, that independently of their power, citizens should be able to meet and talk in secret, the problem is if you believe that they do just that, discuss about it. Even if you believe that they do not use their influence to push their agenda in any illegitimate way, that they have nothing to do with the wars that we have seen in the last 50 years or in the financial crisis, even if you believe that they want only a better future, even if you think that it is legitimate that they invite the executives from the corporations that control de media in the EU and the US... Even if you sincerely believe all that... How can anybody justify that they invite heads of states and politicians, to discuss matters that affect all of us citizens, and discuss these matters w with them absolute secrecy?

"Bilderberg meetings often feature future political leaders shortly before they become household names. Bill Clinton went in 1991 while still governor of Arkansas, Tony Blair was there two years later while still an opposition MP. All the recent presidents of the European Commission attended Bilderberg meetings before they were appointed." And we could add Angela Merkel. [Wikipedia] and likely Obama [The Guardian]

And that's dangerous, among other reasons, because "Bilderberg invites politicians who appear to have an influential future in their respective nations, but their attendance at the meetings (depending on their ability to impress Bilderberg members and participants) can itself have a very significant influence on their political futures. This is because the industrialists, bankers and media moguls in attendance hold significant individual and collective power over the financial and political processes across much of the Western world." [Halls Of Karma]

Is there any bigger danger to democracy than a group of people taking decissions for the rest of us?

Is Bilderberg alone?

Bilderberg is the most "famous", but it is not the only group which secretly gathers influential people from Europe and America. The Trilateral Comission and the Council of Foreign Relations are the other two pillars of these building.

The Trilateral Comission is the equivalent to the Bilderberg Group, including Japan, and was founded by David Rockefeller.

The Council of Foreign Relations is the "purely American" sister organization, "Its membership has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures.

The CFR promotes globalization, free trade, reducing financial regulations on transnational corporations, and economic consolidation into regional blocs such as NAFTA or the European Union, and develops policy recommendations that reflect these goals. CFR publishes the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs, and runs the David Rockefeller Studies Program, which influences foreign policy by making recommendations to the presidential administration and diplomatic community, testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and publishing on foreign policy issues.
" [Wikipedia].

There are many other groups and think tanks that promote the same "values": the Brookings Institution, Atlantic Council, European Round Table of Industrialists, European Council on Foreign Relations (founded by George Soros through his Open Society Foundations), Group of Thirty, Bohemian Grove...

NATO, the EU, the UN are the tools used by these groups to apply the policies they have decided for us.

Why has opposition to the NWO been so weak?

For decades, the main activists against the NWO have been far right fundamentalists in the USA and far left activists in Europe. The former see the NWO as some kind of European conspiracy against the USA (with the UN as proxy), the latter see the NWO as an american conspiracy against Europe (with NATO as proxy). They are both essentially wrong. The NWO is a conspiracy from the elites of both sides of the ocean to control the World, or at least the European and American continents. But this situation has made Bilderberg very very happy, because it kept the debate away from middle classes, politically speaking, and while the citizens of both sides of the Ocean were busy blaming each other, they were not blaming them, the Elites.

For the elites, this situation was very useful, especially in the USA, were the "fight" against the NWO was mixed with theories about extermination, FEMA camps, etc. killing any further serious debate or investigation from the public opinion. But, let's face it, the elites do not want to imprison us in concentration camps or anything similar. Why would they? We are all, in different levels, already working for them, without even knowing it, and thinking we have the greatest freedom in humankind history.

How do they act?

"It's much smarter than conspiracy. This is moulding the way people think so that it seems like there's no alternative to what is happening.", says Professor Kakabadse [BBC]

How do they do it? Let's remember what Consent Engineering is:

"Ann Bernays (Daughter of Edward Bernays): "What my father understood about groups is that they are malleable. And that you can tap into their deepest desires or their deepest fears and use that to your own purposes. I don't think he felt that all those publics out there had reliable judgment; that they may very easily might vote for the wrong man or want the wrong thing, so that they had to be guided from above."

Bernays had manipulated the American people but he had done so because he, like many others at the time believed that the interests of business and the interests of America were indivisible. Especially when faced with the threat of communism. But Bernays was convinced that to explain this rationally to the American people was impossible. Because they were not rational. Instead one had to touch on their inner fears and manipulate them in the interest of a higher truth. He called it the engineering of consent.

Ann Bernays (Daughter of Edward Bernays): "He was doing it for the American way of life to which he was devoted, sincerely devoted. And yet he felt the people were really pretty stupid. And that's the paradox. If you don't leave it up to the people themselves but force them to choose what you want them to choose, however subtly, then it's not democracy anymore. It's something else, it's being told what to do, it's that old authoritarian thing." ["The Century of the Self". Part 2 - Engineering of Consent. BBC, 2002.]

And "Ernest Dichter applied what he dubbed "the strategy of desire" for building a "stable society," by creating for the public a common identity through the products they consumed; again, much like with cultural commodification, where culture has no "identity," "meaning," or "history" inherited from previous generations, but rather, is created by the attitudes which are introduced by consumer behaviors and social patterns of the period. According to Dichter, "To understand a stable citizen, you have to know that modern man quite often tries to work off his frustrations by spending on self-sought gratification. Modern man is internally ready to fulfill his self-image, by purchasing products which compliment it."" [Wikipedia]

So what do they want?

Let's let a Bilderberg insider answer this question: "The projects of the rightwing elite have long been low marginal tax rates, liberal immigration, globalisation, curbs on costly “entitlement programmes”, deregulated labour markets and maximisation of shareholder value. The projects of the leftwing elite have been liberal immigration (again), multiculturalism, secularism, diversity, choice on abortion, and racial and gender equality." Martin Wolf, in the Final Times [Financial Times]. Wolf is a well-known Bilderberg meetings regular attendant [Wikipedia].

So what we get from this:

1. globalisation/multiculturalism
2. liberal immigration
3. deregulated labour markets and maximisation of shareholder value
4. secularism (only in European and American countries)
5. choice on abortion (only in European and American countries)
6. racial and gender equality (only in European and American countries)

We can group this objectives in two main groups:

1. Social: Destruction of the national/social identities and De-christianization, but with a (sense of) Increased Individual freedom.

2. Economic: Liberalism.

1. Destruction of the national/social identities

This is achieved through globalisation and multiculturalism, which are both sides of the same coin. But also through individual freedom.

"Complaining about globalization is as pointless as trying to turn back the tide. (...) As I told the Labour Party in September, the new world we now find ourselves inhabiting is indifferent to tradition and past reputations, unforgiving of frailty and ignorant of custom and practice. Success will go to those companies and countries which are swift to adapt, slow to complain, open and willing to change. The task of modern governments is to ensure that our countries can rise to this challenge." Blair, Tony. (2006) 'Europe is Falling Behind', Newsweek.

The Bilderberg Group are enthusiasts of inmigration. Former Steering Committee member, Peter Sutherland, is now the United Nations Special Representative for International Migration [Official Profile in Twitter], where he pushes for open borders in European countries.

De-christianization (they call it secularism, but it only affects christian countries): Bilderberg members are against any beliefs that opposes the beliefs they sell. So, it is obvious that christianity, as it is the main belief system in the countries where they come from, is an enemy to them. But also, christianity is a way of creating bonds between individuals, something that they wwant to destroy.

But for some reason, they think to seem that they can control Islam, or that Islam is not an issue that concerns them.

(Sense of) Increased Idividual freedom, although control from state is at the strongest of the last decades. Individual freedom meaning less social cohesion, and less social freedom.

2. Economic liberalism

Although the common believe is that the right tends to derregulation while the left tends to the opposite. The truth is that in the last decades we have only seen movement towards derregulation, despite the financial crisis that this derregulation caused. Nowhere is this so clear, as in the US. Probably you have heard/read Hillary Clinton claiming she will defend the poor, but the truth is she would, as her husband did, fight for the opposite:

"Among [Bill Clinton's] biggest strokes of free-wheeling capitalism was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a cornerstone of Depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation." [TIME]

Or Tony Blair in the UK: "The Thatcher–Blair consensus is a set of economic policy prescriptions for the UK economy based on neoclassical economics. The set of policies constitutes the neoliberal agenda. All UK governments since 1979 have followed this agenda. The policies were intended to be pro-growth and produce a higher GDP per capita. This has happened, but there has been an increase in inequality. The group of people with a property income have become much richer, whilst families dependent on state benefits and wages have experienced a decline in living standards. (...) The core agenda of the Thatcher–Blair consensus and the Washington Consensus are identical. (...) The term Washington consensus has acquired a broader meaning, and has come to be accepted as the description of the standard neoliberal agenda." [Wikipedia]

Who are they?

It is difficult to know who exactly are they.Of course if you look in internet you will find a lot of places with names, and probably they will be all connected somehow to the NWO, through Bilderberg, Trilateral, CFR or another oganization.

In my opinion it is important to consider that these people act in very different levels of knowledge and implicaiton:

Masters: First there would a group of the most powerful people of the World, the group that conspiracionists call "masters of the universe". That's a dramatic name, but you can be sure that they are the masters of the World.

Enforcers: These are a group of public figures, frequently advisors of prime ministers, heads of states, that create the policies (usually based on the theories of the next group, the intellectuals) that will bring the goals of the former group.

Intellectuals: The third group would be intellectuals, the theoricists, the people who create the theories the former group uses to apply their policies. Sometimes they can be Enforcers too.

Executives: Senior managers of the biggest bansk and companies of the World.

Politicians: A fifth group would be the politicians, public officials and members of the various organizations these people control (NATO, UN, EU...).

Repeaters: The last group would be the repeaters, the journalists and analysts that spread the message of the group. The analysts in this group should not be confused with the intellectuals of the second group. You can read them in Project Syndicate, The Economist and almost any major newspapers of America and Europe.

Here are just some names from each of the groups. Some are key characters (like the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds from the first group, or Henry Kissinger, Peter Sutherland and others from the rest of the groups.


The Rockefellers:

David Rockefeller [Bilderberg Official Website]. Founder of the Trilateral Comission [Trilateral Official Website]. Honorary Chairman of the CFR [CFR Official Website].

The Rothschilds:

Edmond de Rothschild [Bilderberg Official Website]

Lynn de Rothschild "In 1998, she was introduced to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild by Henry Kissinger at the annual Bilderberg conference, an exclusive and secretive gathering of political, industrial and media grandees. Two years later, they were married. For their honeymoon, they were hosted by the Clintons at the White House." [Politico]
Lynn de Rothschild is also member of the CFR [CFR Official Website]
She's campaigning "aggresively" for Hillary Clinton [Lynn de Rothschild Twitter Account]

The Rothschild are also present through Franco Bernabé, Vice-Chairman Rothschild Europe and member of the International Advisory Board of the CFR. [CFR Official Website]

The Rothschilds are also present in the Trilateral through Alfonso Cortina, Vice Chairman of Rothschild Europe and Panagis Vourloumis, Senior Adviser, N.M. Rothschild [Google Results of the Trilateral Official Website]

The Agnellis:

Agnelli, Giovanni and Umberto (FIAT) [Bilderberg Official Website]

The Wallenbergs:

Wallenbergs of Sweden ("In 1990 and subsequent years, the "Wallenberg sphere" controlled nearly one-third of the GDP of Sweden" [Wikipedia])

Jacob Wallenberg is a member of the Steering Committee of Bildeberg [Bilderberg Official Website]

Marcus Wallenberg is a former member of the Steering Committee of Bildeberg [Bildeberg Official Website]

The Desmarais:

Power Corporation of Canada [Wikipedia]
"The corporation is known for its active participation in Canadian politics through its relationships and the relationships of the Desmarais family with prominent politicians of all political stripes." "The co-Co-Chief Executive Officers are André Desmarais and Paul Desmarais, Jr.."

The Koçs:

The Koç family (Turkey) ("the third generation of the Koç family, today run Turkey’s largest group of companies, Koç Holding, the only Turkish company on the Fortune Global 500 list." [Wikipedia]

Koç, Ömer - Steering Committee [Bilderberg Official Website]
Koç, Mustafa - Participant [Bilderberg Official Website]

Royal Family of the Netherlands:

Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, was the husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and father of her four children, including the former Queen of the Netherlands, Princess Beatrix [Bilderberg Official Website]

The King of the Netherlands and grandchild of Prince Bernhard, Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, took part in 2008 and his mother (daughter of Prince Bernhard, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in several years (1997, 2000, 2006, 2008–2015), also attended the Bilderberg meetings.

Soros, George

Member of the Council for Foreign Relations [CFR Official Website]. Alleged participant of the Bilderberg meetings [Wikipedia] And when searched the combination "george soros site:trilateral.org" in Google we get the message: "Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe."
George Soros is a regular in Project Syndicate [Project Syndicate Website], where he regularly attacks Putin [Project Syndicate Website] or promotes inmigration: "the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly – a principle that a qualified majority finally established at last Wednesday’s summit." [Project Syndicate Website]

George Soros is the main promoter of migration into Europe.


Henry Kissinger [Bilderberg Official Website].
Henry A. Kissinger is a lifetime trustee of the Trilateral Commission [Trilateral Official Website and again]
Henry A. Kissinger was a member of the Council's Board of Directors from 1977 to 1981 of the CFR [CFR Official Website]
Kissinger was National Security Advisor (1969 –1975) and Secretary of State (1973 – 1977).

Zbigniew Brzezinski [Zbigniew Brzezinski on C-SPAN's Q & A on March 27, 2007].

Brzesinski was National Security Advisor (1977 – 1981).

Peter Sutherland [Bilderberg Official Website].
Peter Sutherland is also European Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission. [Trilateral Commission] and very popular in the CFR [CFR Official Website].
Sutherland is UN Special Representative for International Migration. He is famous for his stating that the EU should "undermine national homogeinity" [BBC]
Sutherland is also former Chairman of Goldman Sachs and BP, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization.

Paul Volcker is "the current chairman of the board of trustees of the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty, and is a member of the Trilateral Commission. He has had a long association with the Rockefeller family, not only with his positions at Chase Bank and the Trilateral Commission, but also through membership of the trust committee of Rockefeller Group, Inc., which he joined in 1987. That entity managed, at one time, the Rockefeller Center on behalf of the numerous members of the Rockefeller family. He is former chairman and an honorary trustee of International House, the cultural exchange residence and program center in New York City. He is a founding member of the Trilateral Commission and is a long-time member of the Bilderberg Group." [Wikipedia]

Volcker has been appointed Chairperson of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board (2009 – 2011) by Barack Obama, and Chair of the Federal Reserve (1979 – 1987) by Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.

The intellectuals:

Joseph Nye is the North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission [Trilateral Official Website]. Joseph Nye was on the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations. "Nye coined the term soft power in the late 1980s and it first came into widespread usage following a piece he wrote in Foreign Policy in 1990. Nye has consistently written for Project Syndicate since 2002." [Wikipedia] "His notion of "smart power" became popular with the use of this phrase by members of the Clinton Administration, and more recently the Obama Administration." [Wikipedia]

Edward Bernays, so called "the father of public relations", was the father of the concept "manufacturing consent", about which we wrote this.


Eric Schmidt (Google) [Bilderberg Official Website]

Zoellick, Robert B. (Goldman Sachs) [Bilderberg Official Website]

Cebrián, Juan Luis (PRISA and El País) [Bilderberg Official Website]


Almost all Presidents and Prime Ministers, and many Ministers and officials in Europe and North America have been part of the New World Order group. Here are just some of them, that I find especially significant or interesting for different reasons:

Angela Merkel attended at least the Bildeberg meeting of 2005 [Spiegel] has taken part in many meetings of the Trilateral Commission [Google Results from the Trilateral Commission Official Website]

She is responsible for the open-door policy towards migrants and refugees: "We live based on shared humanity, on charity,” she told Germans the next morning. “We believe in…every individual’s right to pursue happiness, and in tolerance.” Catching the terrorists is Europe’s duty “also to the innocent refugees who are fleeing from war and terror,” she said at a world leaders’ summit in Turkey that weekend. Ms. Merkel’s insistence that Europe can absorb potentially millions of new residents is vexing her country and continent. Germans are questioning her judgment and her grip on power. Some other European countries bridle at Germany’s leadership, raising fears the crisis could cripple the European Union. (...) Her open-door policy has won U.S. praise. Secretary of State John Kerry said in Berlin this fall: “Germany has set a remarkable example for its willingness to step up and deal with this challenge." [The Wall Street Journal] [Timeline of Merkel's Open-door policy]

The Economist (the newspaper owned by Rockefeller and other Bilderberg families) described Merkel as "The indispensable European" after her open-door policy, and TIME choose her as Person of the Year 2015.

Obama said that Angela Merkel is "on right side of history" [ABC News]

Barack Obama 2008 "was the year when then-senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton paid a flying visit to Bilderberg (aka 'an event in northern Virginia'), after shaking off the press pack during the Democratic presidential campaign. AP had the story:
"Reporters travelling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair might when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane."
You can watch the hilarious footage of Robert Gibbs, Obama's press secretary, trying (and failing) to placate a furious press corp, who found themselves tricked aboard a flight to Chicago. "Others had a desire to meet with him in a private way," he explains. This is an extraordinary admission from Gibbs – "others" clicked their fingers, and Obama came running, with Hillary in tow.
" [The Guardian]

"Officials gave Bilderberg briefings" (2009) [Politico]

This explains why he chose a bunch of Wall Street insiders as his economic team: "What's taken place in the year since Obama won the presidency has turned out to be one of the most dramatic political about-faces in our history. Elected in the midst of a crushing economic crisis brought on by a decade of orgiastic deregulation and unchecked greed, Obama had a clear mandate to rein in Wall Street and remake the entire structure of the American economy. What he did instead was ship even his most marginally progressive campaign advisers off to various bureaucratic Siberias, while packing the key economic positions in his White House with the very people who caused the crisis in the first place. This new team of bubble-fattened ex-bankers and laissez-faire intellectuals then proceeded to sell us all out, instituting a massive, trickle-up bailout and systematically gutting regulatory reform from the inside." [CommonDreams] This was perfectly described in the documentary "Inside Job" (2010).

What about his pacifist promises? "In 2009, President Obama stood before an adoring crowd in the centre of Prague, in the heart of Europe. He pledged himself to make "the world free from nuclear weapons". People cheered and some cried. A torrent of platitudes flowed from the media. Obama was subsequently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. It was all fake. He was lying.
The Obama administration has built more nuclear weapons, more nuclear warheads, more nuclear delivery systems, more nuclear factories. Nuclear warhead spending alone rose higher under Obama than under any American president. The cost over thirty years is more than $1 trillion.
" [John Pilger]

Jean-Claude Trichet is the Chairman of the European Group of the Trilateral Commission. [Trilateral Commission Official Website]. Trichet was President of the European Central Bank (2003 – 2011).

Mario Monti (2010-2011) Honorary European Chairman. Monti was Prime Minister of Italy (2011 – 2013) and also Comissioner of the European Union.

Mario Draghi has attended the Bilderberg meetings [Wikipedia] is the President of the European Central Bank.

Carl Bildt has attended the Bilderberg meetings several years [Wikipedia]. He was Prime Minister of Sweden.

Carl Bildt is a member of the European Group of the Trilateral Commission. He is also one of the Chairmen of the European Council of Foreign Relations [ECFR Official Website]

Carl Bildt is also Chairman of the Global Commission on Internet Governance, to make recommendations about the future of global internet governance. [Wikipedia]

Barroso, José M. Durão [Bilderberg Official Website]
Barroso said "Either we will shape the new world order, or we will suffer the consequences". And about the solution of the financial crisis: "The economic liberalisation that has been so spectacular – and so spectacularly successful - over the last two decades came under threat as soon as the financial crisis erupted. The need for openness and for a global response was more obvious than ever before," [EU Website]

Richard Holbrooke [Bilderberg Official Website] [Politico]. Holbrook has been appointed Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan by Barack Obama, Ambassador to the United Nations (1999 – 2001) and Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs (1994 – 1996) and Ambassador to Germany (1993 – 1994) by Bill Clinton, and Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (1977 – 1981) by Jimmy Carter. [Wikipedia]

Christine Lagarde [Bildeberg Official Website] Legarde is Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund [Wikipedia]

Christine Lagarde is Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, and former Minister of Finance, Agriculture and Commerce and Industry of France.

Toomas Hendrik Ilves, the President of Estonia was a member of Trilateral Commission, what he doesn't hide [President of Estonia Official Website], althought he describes it as a "Civic Group" (sic). It is interesting because he was formerly a "repeater", having worked for Radio Free Europe [Wikipedia]. He is also member of the European Council on Foreign Relations [ECFR Official Website]. Ilves attended George Soros' wedding. [The Baltic Times].
He, like Soros, demanded of the Eastern Europe countries to accept "its" share of refugees, in a speech titled "Europe, tear down your walls!" [Politico], in a conference in the Aspen Institue (a think tank, by the way, funded by Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Gates Foundation, the Lumina Foundation, and the Ford Foundation[Wikipedia]). Ilves said after the Ukraine crisis: "The world order found after the Cold War has been destroyed". [Die Welt]

In the Financial Times article "Estonia president criticises mainstream anti-immigrant sentiment", he praised Merkel's open borders politics: "When I talk about absence of leadership, she [Merkel]’s one of the few people in European politics who’s doing more than sticking her finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing, (...) Clearly, she’s taken a risk on the refugees issue. But why do you have elected politicians? If you just do politics by poll numbers, then a priori you’re not going to get leadership."

They fear that their electorates will be captured by more radical forces. One is the ‘blood and soil’ argument of the extreme right. The other is the ‘loss of jobs to immigrants’ story of the left,” he said. “The conventional parties hope, ‘Maybe if we sound a little like them, we won’t lose votes’.” [Financial Times]

Madeleine K. Albright is a member of the North American Group of the Trilateral Commission [Trilateral Commission Official Website]. She was Board Director of the CFR [CFR Official Website]

Madeleine Albright was US Secretary of State (1997 – 2001) and US Ambassador to the United Nations (1993 – 1997) and the main responsible for the War of Kosovo, labelled "Madeleine's War" in Time [TIME].


Bernard-Henri Lévy. Very popular in Project Syndicate [Project Syndicate] and in the website of the CFR [Google Results from the CFR Official Website]

Martin Wolf is chief economics commentator at the Financial Times. He is regular of Bilderberg Meeting [Bilderberg Official Website 2016, 2015, 2014] [The Telegraph] [BBC], the Trilateral Commission [Trilateral Commission Oficial Website] and he is really popular at the Council of Foreing Relations [Google Results from the Council of Foreign Relations Official Website]

Some interesting guests of the Bildeberg Meetings:

The Queen of Spain attended the Bilderberg meeting of 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark that lasted from 29 May to 1 June [Bilderberg Official Website] (On June 2nd, her husband King Juan Carlos I abdicated from the throne of Spain, in favor of their son, Felipe).

How to know what they want?

You can read, listen to and watch their point of view of the world in almost any newspaper, radio and television channel in Europe and North America, but if you want to get a "condensed" ration of the New World Order, you can do it in:

The Economist (owned by the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder and Agnelli families) [Wikipedia]
Project Syndicate [Project Syndicate Twitter Account]

Mentions of the NWO:

"Either we will shape the new world order, or we will suffer the consequences."
Durao Barroso [EU Website]

We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a New World Order. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, rules all nations. When we are successful–and we will be–we have a real chance at this New World Order. An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping forces to fulfill the promise and vision of its founders.” George H.W. Bush, March 21, 1991.

My country’s history, Mr. President, tells us that it is possible to fashion unity while cherishing diversity, that common action is possible despite the variety of races, interests, and beliefs we see here in this chamber. Progress and peace and justice are attainable. So we say to all peoples and governments: Let us fashion together a new world order.” Dr. Henry Kissinger, address to UN General Assembly, October 1975.

"The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power--Political, Monetary, Intellectual, and Ecclesiastical." U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, from his 1964 book, "No Apologies."

The ‘affirmative task’ before us is to “create a New World Order.” Joe Biden Vice-President US (2009-Present), speech Import Export Bank, April 5, 2013.

I think that his [Obama] task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period, when really a New World Order can be created.” Henry Kissinger, CNBC 2008.

In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” Strobe Talbot, Deputy Secretary of State, TIME, July l992.

The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, ‘urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach.” Nelson Rockefeller, New York Times, February 1962.

The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, letter to Col. House, November 21, l933.

"The United Nations has not been able–nor can it be able–to shape a New World Order which events so compellingly demand.” Nelson Rockefeller, (Source needed)

“Our new world rests on order. The danger is disorder. And in today’s world, it can now spread like contagion.” —Tony Blair [CNN]

"The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the single most significant component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions.” Dr. Henry Kissinger, World Action Council, April 19, 1994.

Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.” David Rockefeller, Memoirs.

"If we do not follow the dictates of our inner moral compass and stand up for human life, then his lawlessness will threaten the peace and democracy of the emerging new world order we now see, this long dreamed-of vision we've all worked toward for so long." President George H. Bush (January 1991).

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