There's one thing you have to admit about the President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves: he hasn't lied, he has made exactly what he promised he would do during his Presidency of Estonia:
"In foreign policy, he thinks he can fill an important void, serving as the voice for new EU entrants who want to push the EU in two important directions: towards more liberal economics -- he points out that his Estonian Social Democratic Party votes more liberally on economic issues than the German CDU -- and a more pro-U.S. foreign policy." [Cable 06TALLINN582]
And this is exactly what he has done. Of course you could argue that he didn't tell the Estonian citizens, but only the American Embassy, but you can not say he lied...
Ilves is a man of the Elites, and his Presidency has been devoted to work for the Elites.
Well, he has also done two more things: to criticize/attack Russia, sometimes even becoming an obsession (as the President of Estonia, Ilves has mentiones more times Russia than Estonia, in Twitter!), and to defend inmigration. Both things also in the name of the Elites, and both things copying word by word George Soros' discourse, what is not a suprise, as we will say later.
The only question is, now that his Presidency ends, how will the Elites reward him? With the Secretary General of NATO, some position at the European Union or some position in any of their lobbies (Bilderberg, Trilateral -again-, CFR...)?
Ilves relations with the Elites:
Ilves was a member of the Rockefeller-founded Trilateral Commission, what he doesn't hide [President of Estonia Official Website], although he describes it as a "Civic Group" (sic). He is also member of the European Council on Foreign Relations [ECFR Official Website].
Ilves attended, George Soros' wedding. [The Baltic Times]. He, like Soros, demanded of the Eastern Europe countries to accept "its" share of refugees in a speech titled "Europe, tear down your walls!" [Politico], in a conference in the Aspen Institue (a think tank, by the way, funded by Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Gates Foundation, the Lumina Foundation, and the Ford Foundation[Wikipedia]). Ilves said after the Ukraine crisis: "The world order found after the Cold War has been destroyed". [Die Welt]
In the Financial Times article "Estonia president criticises mainstream anti-immigrant sentiment", he praised Merkel's open borders politics: "When I talk about absence of leadership, she [Merkel]’s one of the few people in European politics who’s doing more than sticking her finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing, (...) Clearly, she’s taken a risk on the refugees issue. But why do you have elected politicians? If you just do politics by poll numbers, then a priori you’re not going to get leadership."
"In foreign policy, he thinks he can fill an important void, serving as the voice for new EU entrants who want to push the EU in two important directions: towards more liberal economics -- he points out that his Estonian Social Democratic Party votes more liberally on economic issues than the German CDU -- and a more pro-U.S. foreign policy." [Cable 06TALLINN582]
And this is exactly what he has done. Of course you could argue that he didn't tell the Estonian citizens, but only the American Embassy, but you can not say he lied...
Ilves is a man of the Elites, and his Presidency has been devoted to work for the Elites.
Well, he has also done two more things: to criticize/attack Russia, sometimes even becoming an obsession (as the President of Estonia, Ilves has mentiones more times Russia than Estonia, in Twitter!), and to defend inmigration. Both things also in the name of the Elites, and both things copying word by word George Soros' discourse, what is not a suprise, as we will say later.
The only question is, now that his Presidency ends, how will the Elites reward him? With the Secretary General of NATO, some position at the European Union or some position in any of their lobbies (Bilderberg, Trilateral -again-, CFR...)?
Ilves relations with the Elites:
Ilves was a member of the Rockefeller-founded Trilateral Commission, what he doesn't hide [President of Estonia Official Website], although he describes it as a "Civic Group" (sic). He is also member of the European Council on Foreign Relations [ECFR Official Website].
Ilves attended, George Soros' wedding. [The Baltic Times]. He, like Soros, demanded of the Eastern Europe countries to accept "its" share of refugees in a speech titled "Europe, tear down your walls!" [Politico], in a conference in the Aspen Institue (a think tank, by the way, funded by Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Gates Foundation, the Lumina Foundation, and the Ford Foundation[Wikipedia]). Ilves said after the Ukraine crisis: "The world order found after the Cold War has been destroyed". [Die Welt]
In the Financial Times article "Estonia president criticises mainstream anti-immigrant sentiment", he praised Merkel's open borders politics: "When I talk about absence of leadership, she [Merkel]’s one of the few people in European politics who’s doing more than sticking her finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing, (...) Clearly, she’s taken a risk on the refugees issue. But why do you have elected politicians? If you just do politics by poll numbers, then a priori you’re not going to get leadership."
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