Wednesday, December 19, 2018

How The US allowed ISIS To Grow (Facts)

I was commenting today Trump's decision to withdraw troops from Syria with a quote from Robert Fisk:

"That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.
Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's.
Robert Fisk, The Independent. March 27, 2016.

...when I got one of these tweets that make you doubt if the author is serious or joking:

"ISIS was created by Russia. Else, why are they all Russian and get all their weapons and money from Russia?"

I have put together some facts to show how utterly stupid this tweet is, and I thought I would share them with you.

ISIS was created in American controlled Iraq (and not in Syria like I have also read in Twitter) [] and, as we will see later, it was allowed to grow by the US to damage Russia's ally, Assad in Syria (where it spread later).

The US also allowed NATO member Turkey to fund ISIS by buying its oil []

It is true tat ISIS has Russian arms... but only because they took them from killed or captured Syrian soldiers! Not like american weapons.... 'Tracing ISIS' Weapons Supply Chain—Back to the US' []

More evidences:

'We finally know what Hillary Clinton knew all along – US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding Isis'

And last, but not least:

US Secretary of State John Kerry admitted, in a leaked recording of a private meeting with Syrian "opposition" representatives at the UN, that they used the "Islamic State" to pressure Syrian president Bashar al-Assad:

"And we know that this was growing, we were watching, we saw that Daesh was growing in strength, and we thought Assad was threatened. (We) thought, however, we could probably manage that Assad might then negotiate. But instead of negotiating he got Putin to support him."

[You can listen to the full audio here:]

PS: The Kerry audio was leaked to The New York Times that wrote at least a piece about it
that somehow didn't consider the previous words where Kerry admits letting Daesh grow worth metioning...

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