I watched "Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer" completely unaware of what was the story I was going to see was about. I thought it was a traditional serial killer movie with good grading in imdb [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3722234/], so I decided to give it a try. Soon it became clear that it was something completely different. Who is this "America's Biggest Serial Killer"? Kermit Gosnell was "a physician and abortion provider who was convicted of first degree murder in the deaths of three infants born alive" among other crimes [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gosnell:_The_Trial_of_America%27s_Biggest_Serial_Killer].
But the interesting thing about this story is what is missing.
First of all, the lack of interest in prosecuting Kermit Gosnell shown by some of the parties implied. This brought to my mind three criminal cases from three other Western countries: the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal (UK) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal], the We Are Sthlm sexual assaults (Sweden) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Are_Sthlm_sexual_assaults] and Cologne's 2016 New Year's Eve (Germany) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35280386]. Although the three latter are related to sexual assaults, and not to abortion, they share something more important in common: they can damage the public perception of liberal policies (abortion and multiculturalism).
But going back to the Gosnell case, what was most notable of all was the lack of interest from the mainstrem media.
This is an actual photo of the seats reserved for the media during the Gosnell trial, before the public outrage forced the media to cover the trial. So why the media didn't want to cover Gosnell's trial? We see serial killers in the media on a daily basis, so what was different with Gosnell? It's quite simple: abortion. They simply didn't want to talk about abortion. And, if Gosnell acts are horrifying, the media silence should really scare all of us: it proves that mainstream media omit the information that doesn't support their agenda. And lying by omission is a type of lie too. But we will come back to this later.
I haven't been really interested in the abortion debate (only one of my +28000 tweets is about abortion). I had my opinions, but I thought the issue was just too complex, and honestly I had nothing to share. But now I think that maybe I was wrong. I will not say if abortion should be legal or ilegal, or under which circumstances it should be legal. But I think everybody needs to know some essential facts, and face them, before making up their minds.
- Life Begins at fertilization [here is a list of scientific publications about this issue: https://www.princeton.edu/~prolife/articles/embryoquotes2.html]
- That means, we are not talking ONLY about a woman's decission over her own body. We are talking about TWO LIFES.
- "The idea that there is a precise moment when a foetus gets the right to live, which it didn't have a few moments earlier, feels very strange. And when you look closely at each of the suggested dates, they do seem either arbitrary or not precise enough to decide whether the unborn should have the right to live." [http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/abortion/child/alive_1.shtml]
Seems pretty clear, after considering the previous facts, that if we accept that the right of life is the most important of all, then abortion is only acceptable when there is danger for the mother.
That is why the mainstream media don't want the public to know the previous facts, or at least, to think too much about them.
And most of all, mainstream media don't want you to see and understand what the babies at the abortion period limits are like, or plainly, that they are living humans:

Prematurely born 24-week baby Adelaide Caines, died shortly after being born due to complications. Her parents released this photo to show that 24-week foetuses are babies [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/parents-release-photo-daughter-born-4208157]. 24 weeks is the limit for abortion in the UK and several states of the US.
Leaving abortion aside, the fact is that the mainstream media usually don't lie telling things that are false (were they can be easierly caught), they do lie by hiding the facts that they don't want the public to know, the facts that undermine their agenda. The Gosnell trial is an example, as the Cologne New Year's Eve events, but my favorite is the media silence regarding the confession made by John Kerry, while Secretary of State for Barack Obama, that they had allowed ISIS to grow [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DwGY7qOX0AMmNBm?format=jpg]. This confession that you can hear yourself in the leaked audio was ignored by the mainstream media, to the point that the NYT wrote a piece about other statements by the Secretary of State, but leaving aside the confession regarding Daesh.
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