Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Gosnell: The Movie They Don't Want You To Watch (II)

In the last post, I spoke about the movie "Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer" and the reasons why the mainstream media didn't want you to see it.

We mentioned how and why the media had ignored Gosnell's trial.


On 2017, there were allegations that The New York Times had ignored the book for it's best-seller list [], despite reaching the top spot on Amazon's "Hot New Release".

Funding for the movie started on 2014, when the promoters already faced the opposition of crowfunding company Kickstarter: "According to email exchanges released by McAleer, Kickstarter requested that the phrases "'1000s of babies stabbed to death' and '1000s of babies murdered' removed or modified to comply with the spirit of our Community Guidelines." Kickstarter's CEO denied that they censored the project and said the filmmakers blew an editorial exchange out of proportion. The filmmakers switched to Indiegogo and launched their crowdfunding effort on March 28, 2014, with a goal of $2.1 million, which was reached less than two weeks later on April 9, 2014. It quickly became the highest-funded film on Indiegogo, and is currently one of the highest-funded crowdfunding projects of all time." []

"Judge Jeffrey Minehart, the trial judge in the case, tried to block both the film and book with a defamation suit. NPR objected to advertising text that referred to Gosnell as an "abortionist." Planned Parenthood successfully pressured at least one venue to cancel private screenings. Facebook has rejected numerous advertisements for the film" [].

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